Webby has all of McDuck Manor to herself for the weekend and decides to advantage of it! (with unfortunate results)

This story contains nudity but it is depicted in a non sexualised manner


Chapter 1: The Whole Place to Herself

Webby has lived in McDuck Manor all her life and she wouldn't have it any other way. Having said that, she wasn't home alone very often.

Growing up Scrooge haunted the place long before Duckworth was resurrected and when he made his rare excursions to the outside world, Granny was around to wage eternal war on the dust bunnies encroaching on friendly territory or imparting lessons on survival, interrogation, and field combat dressing.

Occasionally, she would see Launchpad in the garage after a day's work being Scrooge's chauffeur or meeting the rich duck in the foyer before speeding out the driveway and sometimes knocking over a mailbox.

Once Donald and the boys re-entered Scrooge's life, the estate was busier than ever with Huey, Dewey and Louie being the perfect playmates and training dummies that helped unburden years of isolation from her peers.

Donald Duck himself could even be found walking the halls when his houseboat was low on supplies.

Duckworth's ghost provided great company too in the corridors after his fortunate summoning onto the mortal realm and she rather enjoyed his dry wit and amusing rivalry with Granny.

Sometimes she would join Scrooge and the boys on adventures where she would finally leave the manor and experience the world first-hand.

After befriending Lena, Webby would have constant sleepovers with her, sometimes the boys would even join them. This was exciting at the time because Webby had never had anyone to have sleepovers with and which she later learned Lena was happy to have somewhere with a real pillow to lay her head before she moved in with the Sabrewing family.

Once she met Violet there had been more late nights playing runic baggle, or watching horror movies and riffing on all the inaccuracies from their extensive notes on the subjects depicted, and Lena's adoption into the humming bird's family ensured the trio would never be lonely if the boys were doing their own sibling thing.

And finally, Della Duck herself, returned from the dead after ten years lost, adding a flair of her own to the crowded household in the mismatched thunk of her metallic artificial foot.

While she wouldn't trade her newfound reality for anything, she still longed for a bit of personal time free of obligations to Granny or endless plans with friends or world ending catastrophes.

One day, as a result of a seemingly ridiculous overlapping of schedules, she got her wish.

Scrooge and the boys had gone off spelunking for a relic, Donald had been dragged kicking and screaming by Della to an aviation show by the Flying McQuacks for June and May's enjoyment, Duckworth had sank through the floor saying their future rooms needed tidying and Granny had claimed one of her old contacts in Anaheim had reappeared on the grid for the first time in decades.

Which left Webby alone in the mansion for the first time in ages.

Webby let herself relax in her room, laying down on the militarily rigid sheets of her beds, aware of how eerie the home felt with so few residents around making noise.

She had the whole place to herself with nobody expected for the rest of the day barring an emergency.

Webby felt positively giddy, secure in the knowledge that nobody living or undead was around to disturb her cherished grace period.

But what was Webby to do with her newfound freedom? All her life, she had constant access to weaponry, artefacts, and the cookie jar so it wasn't like she had new options for stuff she couldn't do when left alone.

It was then she thought of an unconventional way of unwinding and having a bit of harmless fun, an expression of the total lack of supervision by adults in the best way the young duckling knew how.

After checking the perimeter, security camera feeds, and her own methods of incapacitating unwelcome intruders, Webby stood in the foyer and plucked up the courage.


First the bluish purple vest, folded neatly and placed on small table by the front door.

A blush spread across her face as Webby shimmied out of skirt, leaving her pink buttoned shirt as the last vestiges of cloth protecting her modesty.

Gathering courage, Webby undid her shirts buttons one by one with a nimble touch.

At last, the moment of truth and with a quiet yelp, Webby removed her shirt...


Chapter 2: Unexpected Guests

Naked as the day she hatched, Webby felt no shame in her flagrant exposure as she piled her discarded clothing onto the foyer table.

The air felt cool against her normally covered feathers and the thrill of being in such a vulnerable state sent adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Her training rebelled at such nudity with not even the smallest amount of protection from the elements or enemy combatants.

She felt great!

The mansion was hers to roam in liberating nakedness as Webby raced through the hallways, skated down banisters, and crawled through the vents!

Familiar actions took on new sensations as wind tickled her intimately presented feathers sending her giggles echoing through the halls.

It gave her a heightened sense of awareness of her own body, feeling how the muscles moved and tensed with each motion, and being able to see it in a setting that wasn't the shower.

Webby didn't consider herself an exhibitionist or a pervert.

She could even make the case there was an element of returning to nature in her streaking.

Truthfully, Webby's past time was the result of freedom of expression she owned given as stated earlier, she grew up being taught weapons training and martial arts.

Being left to her own devices meant thinking of what she could do if nobody else was around to see or judge.

Laughing freely as she capered, Webby admired her reflection as she passed polished artefacts or mirrors, a white blur topped by the faintest hint of pink of her bow.

She was in the buff yet still a deadly force to be reckoned with that knew how to kill a man in several painful ways with her bare hands.

Snickering at her own pun, Webby's mirth distracted her from the sound of a knock at the front door.

Violet and Lena were just outside McDuck Manor, knocking at the front door. No reply.

"You think she forgot we were coming?" asked Lena.

"Hmm, it is unlike Webbigail to neglect our sleepover plans." Inquired Violet. "Perhaps we should try her cell phone."

"Wait," interrupted Lena. "I just thought of something." And waving her hands over the door handle, it started glowing blue and with a click, the front door unlocked and Violet and Lena strolled in like they owned the place.

"Well would you look at that, the door just opened by itself. Almost like magic." Lena smirked, hand still glowing blue.

"I shall endeavor to add breaking and entering to your growing list of juvenile delinquencies upon our return home." Violet replied, voice neutral.

As they entered the foyer, the first thing they noticed was the discarded pile of clothing on the table.

"Weird," Lena mused, "Think Pink got hit by an invisibility spell? Maybe crossed through a dimension allergic to clothes?"

Violet's scoff was apparent despite her dry tone, "It is more likely Webbigail was engaging in a form of recreational exhibitionism while there are no occupants in the vicinity. We should vacate the foyer to allow her to don her garments. Might I suggest we watch some television"

So the pair left the foyer and made their way to the entertainment room.

Webby's streaking around the house soon turned into dancing and before long she was doing twirls on the sofa. She felt as though all was right with the world, until she opened her eyes. To her horror, Webby froze in place as she was spotted by her two best friends.

Lena blushed crimson and tried to avoid looking directly at Webby.

Violet was also blushing but was visibly less flustered than her adoptive sister.

"It appears I was correct in my assumption." she said.

Breaking free of her paralysis Webby's arms obscured her body with an embarrassed yelp.

"Hi guys." Webby squeaked.


To Be Continued...

Link to part 2...