Link to part 1...


Chapter 3: Shared Experiences

Overcoming her shock, Lena's beak curled upwards, "Not what I was expecting when you said we should come over for a girls' night. Never would have pegged you for a streaker."

"It would seem our rendezvous has slipped your mind," intoned Violet, unruffled as usual, "Unless nudism was part of the event's agenda you lacked to mention."

Webby's shrill laughter bordered on hysteria wishing the earth would swallow her whole.

"No. I hadn't planned on it. Or being caught." she said ruefully.

"Would it assuage your embarrassment if we were also to shed our cloth articles?" inquired Violet, one hand each already resting on her shirt's hem and pants' waistline.

Lena and Webby just stared at her.

"I shall take that as a no."

"How about we just forget this ever happened and get some ice cream?" Webby implored.

Lena nudged the younger duck's shoulder affably, "Sure thing. Ya little deviant."

Webby couldn't help but giggle. "I'll just be a minute, I need to get dressed."

The sisters sprinted off in an impromptu race for the kitchen freezer, Violet path finding her way to the most efficient route, Lena flying above her in an azure shroud of magic and Webby trailing behind as to don her outfit.

Their merriment and trash talk rang through the house bringing a level of warmth that had been woefully absent with only a lone occupant.

Webby's face burned less with each passing second, grateful that it was her female friends who'd been the ones to catch her in the act rather than any of the boys or god forbid Scrooge.

She'd probably have died on the spot if Granny had been there!

She didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if Scrooge spotted her.

By comparison a bit of ribbing was a small price to pay for such a rare moment of rebellion against society's norms.

The three friends sat at the table, each eating a bowl of sea salt ice cream. They fell into stilted conversation, sitting near the kitchen countertops, or in Lena's case, lounging against the massive refrigerator.

They got about halfway through their sundaes before the former shadow broached the topic that was demanding attention...

“When I was hitchhiking my way to Duckburg, I'd have to stop wherever I could to wash up. Gyms, saunas, empty pools, lakes, or rivers. This one time, I was using a tiny stream near this small village, went under to rinse my hair, and when I looked I saw these boys running off with my clothes. Had to walk miles before I found some new duds to steal all while Magica yelled at me for letting my guard down.”

Webby's shoulders relaxed a fraction and Violet seized the opportunity to contribute her own anecdote.

"Roughly sixteen months, two weeks and four days ago, I made the decision to experiment taking up naturism."

Lena couldn't believe it. "You serious Vi?"

"Very much so." she continued. "I was doing some research into botany, to assist in the growth of my fathers' garden. During my research, I somehow accidentally landed on an article on naturism. One thing led to another and I found the topic fascinating and came to the conclusion that the lack of laundry and not having to decide what to wear in the morning would be more efficient. So that summer, I decided to give it a try."

"And how did that turn out?" asked Webby.

"Well in order to do this experiment in a legal and pleasant manner, I opted not to venture any further than the confines of our house or backyard. After about ten days stuck inside, I ultimately decided a permanent naturist lifestyle wasn't meant for me."

"And how come this is the first I'm hearing of this?" asked a baffled Lena?

"You never asked." Violet replied bluntly.

Peace of mind restored Webby felt at ease in her friends' company.

The rest of the evening was fairly uneventful. After ice cream, they played video games. After video games, they ordered pizza. Once the pizza arrived, they settled down for a movie marathon and all fell asleep on the sofa. Even though it started off kind of embarrassing, Webby had a good day and she fell asleep looking forward to another day.

Now you'd think that after this event, Webby would think twice about engaging in nudism again. But truth be told, she was considering it...

This story was adapted from a story written by an anonymous 4chan poster on /co/

The artwork was done by an artist who would prefer to stay anonymous

Thanks for reading!